
Samatoa Lotus Textiles is a textile wholesale and fashion business that provides high-quality, 100% eco-friendly lotus silk. They also elevate the social and economic status’ of Cambodian women by providing fair pay and working conditions. With a softer, craftsmanlike identity mark, Samatoa better matches its brand as a social, women-empowering, and eco-friendly textile business.

Branding and Advertising

Final Logo


logo in black and white

logo in color

Magazine Advertisements


breathe easy magazine ad

share the warmth magazine ad

Logo Thumbnails


thumbnail round 1

thumbnail round 2

Credits to my fellow humans

University of North Texas
Professor Douglas May
Professor Stephen Zhang
Fall 2021 • Advanced Graphic Design Campaigns


Images from unsplash


My Brother's Salsa Chip Packaging


SteadyBuddy App